Wednesday, October 11, 2006

FYI, Voters!

My Way News - Army: Troops to Stay in Iraq Until 2010:
"WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Army has plans to keep the current level of soldiers in Iraq through 2010, the top Army officer said Wednesday, a later date than any Bush administration or Pentagon officials have mentioned thus far."

In case you were wondering about a "time table" for troop withdrawal, there only appears to be one for keeping the troops IN Iraq, not pulling them out. I guess they figure it will take the next president a minimum of two years to accomplish any pullout. Sounds about right.

'Throw The Bums Out'

My Way News:
The polls, all taken after the sex scandal surfaced, show Democratic candidates with huge leads over Republicans amid broad public unhappiness about the Iraq war, Bush's leadership and the Republican-led Congress.

'These polls seem to suggest the public has decided to just 'throw the bums out,'' said Karlyn Bowman, a public opinion analyst at the conservative American

Oh, Great.

Bush Says No Plans to Attack North Korea - New York Times:
"President Bush said that he has “no intention” of attacking North Korea, but that the United States is stepping up defense cooperation with the North’s Asian neighbors, after the regime in Pyongyang warned that it will regard increased American pressure from the United States as a “declaration of war” that will be met with “physical measures.”"

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Afghanistan On Brink Of Being Lost To Taliban

My Way News - NATO Commander Asks Pakistan for Help:
Afghanistan is suffering some of its deadliest violence since a U.S. military campaign ousted the Taliban from power in Afghanistan in late 2001 for harboring al-Qaida.

On Sunday, (NATO's commander in Afghanistan, British Gen. David) Richards told The Associated Press that Afghanistan was at a 'tipping point' and warned that if there were no visible improvements in people's lives in the next six months people would likely switch their allegiances to the Taliban.

That's Better

WP: Dems in strong position, poll shows - Highlights -
"Democrats have regained a commanding position going into the final weeks of the midterm-election campaigns, with support eroding for Republicans on Iraq, ethics and presidential leadership, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll."


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