Tuesday, October 16, 2007

42 Reasons And Counting

With thanks to jurassicpork at Welcome to Pottersville, here is a video not for the weak at heart (keep the sound down because it's NSFW!):

Pass it around!

"The Real Iraq We Knew" by 12 former Army captains

Five years on, the Iraq war is as undermanned and under-resourced as it was from the start. And, five years on, Iraq is in shambles. As Army captains who served in Baghdad and beyond, we've seen the corruption and the sectarian division. We understand what it's like to be stretched too thin. And we know when it's time to get out.

read more | digg story

Marine Chief Worries Force Growing Heavy

More on the status of the war in Iraq from someone in the military.

read more | digg story


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