Wednesday, October 03, 2007 | MoJoBlog - Social Issues and Political Commentary: Afghanistan Seeing Most Violent Year Since 2001: Does Anyone Care? | MoJoBlog - Social Issues and Political Commentary: Afghanistan Seeing Most Violent Year Since 2001: Does Anyone Care?:
"Afghanistan is currently enduring its most violent year since the 2001 intervention, according to the U.N. Department of Safety and Security, and few members of the American press seem to care."

Judge rules: Bush can't hide Presidential records indefinitely.

Bush is not going to be allowed to write the history of the worst President in our History. The courts have ruled that his records are going to be public.

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Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Our Media’s Failure to Report the Real Blackwater Story

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Our Media’s Failure to Report the Real Blackwater Story:
"Homicides are crimes, even if the victims are Iraqis. Do the media not see that those who help the suspects escape may also be criminally implicated? Or if the law is unclear, is not someone in the US government responsible for allowing this dangerous legal black hole to persist?"


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