Friday, October 03, 2008

Democrats Organize Against 'Lose Your Home, Lose Your Vote'

Americans in the grips of the mortgage foreclosure crisis to know their rights before Election Day and also to refuse to back down if their right to vote is challenged by at their polling places by Republicans on Election Day, says a group organized by Democrats.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Make sure you are registered to vote by the deadline in your state, and find out where you vote on election day. Many voters went to the polls in the primary election and discovered they weren't on the registration rolls. Don't let that happen to you.

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CBS: Report shows GOP illegally purging voters in 19 states

Brad Friedman comments, "So CBS News has noticed. Where the hell are the Democrats, and why aren't they raising holy hell about all of this stuff everywhere & seem to have no clue that they are in a War on Democracy being waged by their GOP opponents."

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Poll: Obama Grabs The Lead In Florida

This could be big news. A new survey of Florida from Public Policy Polling (D) is giving Barack Obama the lead in Florida, where John McCain has led in virtually all the polls up to now. The numbers: Obama 49%, McCain 46%. Three weeks ago, it was McCain 50%, Obama 45%. What's behind Obama's surge? The economy.

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DEBATE: Addressing McCain on Veterans Issues

After watching the debate I have to speak up. I am a currently serving veteran of the Iraq war who is soon to go back. Senator McCain, with all due respect, you do NOT speak for me. Stop implying that you are the only one who can understand our veterans, because for millions of us clearly you do not. So let me address some of the things you said...

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Did Gingrich Give Orders To House GOP To Vote Against Bailou

Now that House Republicans are insisting their vote against the bailout yesterday had nothing to do with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s supposedly “partisan” speech, some are wondering what in fact turned at least 10 Republican votes Blunt thought he had against the bill.

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CNN: McCain failed to deliver Republican House votes

Ed Henry on John McCain's leadership and influence, CNN 09/29/08

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The beginning of the end for McCain

In the remaining 35 days there are 2 more presidential debates and 1 vice-presidential debate. But if Sen. Obama holds his current lead and wins this election, we are going to look back on last week and this one as the pivotal fortnight during which McCain and, more broadly, the Republican-conservative political project finally came undone.

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Bush had no plan to catch Bin Laden

The U.S. missed the opportunity to catch Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in 2001, new evidence reveals, because Washington was obsessed with starting the Iraq War and failed to allocate enough troops to the task. The blunder was allegedly compounded by a decision to turn down an offer of 60,000 Pakistani troops.

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Palin Implicated By Witness in ‘Troopergate’ Probe

An Alaska woman who owns a company that processes workers’ compensation claims in the state has told an independent investigator that she was urged by the office of Gov. Sarah Palin to deny a benefits claim for Palin’s ex brother-in-law, a state trooper who was involved in an ugly divorce and child custody dispute with Palin’s sister

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