Friday, February 03, 2006

CBS News | NASA Watchdog Being Watched Himself | February 3, 2006 12:34:26

CBS News | NASA Watchdog Being Watched Himself | February 3, 2006 12:34:26:
CBS/AP) NASA Inspector General Robert W. Cobb is under investigation after subordinates complained that he failed to investigate safety violations and retaliated against whistle-blowers, the agency confirmed Friday.


Cobb was appointed by President Bush in 2002, after working for a year as an ethics lawyer in the office of the White House General Counsel. Of the 11 inspectors general appointed by Mr. Bush, nine had no previous audit experience.
"...failed to investigate safety violations and retaliated against whistle-blowers?" Sounds like a solid Bush cronie to me. I bet he's been doing a heck of a job there.

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