Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Socialistic Hitler Fascist Death Panel WMD Terrorist Job Killing Kenyan Muslim Regulation Tyranny

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From now on, people who have used these words in the past or present to dismiss a conversation or hijack it should no longer be taken seriously.

I'm done with wasting time in a dishonest debate.

I'm done with having serious conversations about our nation's future being hijacked by paid shills into some absurd conspiracy theory claim of advancing communism or a gay agenda or hippies. I'm tired of debating the guy who wants to raise taxes and "free market" costs on 99% of America while the other 1% lives better than ever in a debate he can NOT win on facts. I'm tired of watching this guy invoke scary meaningless talking points while shrieking about the unfair fearmongering of unamerican liberty denying freedom hating divisive partisan class war wealth redistribution job killing over regulated higher taxes government tyranny they did this to the jews it's people, #OccupyWallStreet is people!!!!!

I'm done with it. It is wasting our time at a moment in history where we have no time to waste. Our future is at stake, and the guy rambling about socialism who fell for death panels and other nonsensical lies isn't allowed to hijack the conversation anymore. I'm not going to let them hijack our future for tax cuts for corporations or for never ending wars or whatever other sociopathic lunacy the wealthy exploiters of the other 99% have ginned up. I will not go silent as their shock doctrine wrenches away the last glimpse of democracy and hands it over to lobbyists and entrenched corrupt industry.

If you support torture, I don't want to hear about Hitler from you.

If you support subsidies for extremely profitable oil companies I don't want to hear about wealth distribution from you.

If you support the never ending wars at all costs I don't want to hear about deficits from you.

And if you insist on hijacking honest debates about our future by calling it Socialistic Hitler Fascist Death Panel WMD Terrorist Job Killing Kenyan Muslim Regulation Tyranny you should no longer be taken seriously. We don't have time for your dishonesty. You are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Consider #OccupyWallStreet a nationwide intervention, because some people are drunk on greed and power.

Here's to celebrating the first month of #OccupyWallStreet. Cheers.

For more info

1. Get this message out there. Get the word out about these protests of Wall Street's greed to everyone you know. Raise awareness, even if it is via word of mouth, every little bit helps.

2.    Use the twitter hashtags #OccupyWallStreet and follow us on facebook and twitter accounts related to the ongoing protests. Help put this video on your facebook pageand any other social media that you use. Make it viral.

3.    Make a donation to WeAreTheOther99%'s media fund. They need funding to stay active, and without huge corporate interests backing us up like the Teabaggers have, the only way this works is with your small donations.

4.   Go to OccupyWallSt.org and make a donation to our General Fund to support the ongoing protests.

5.   To send care packages to Liberty Square, go to OccupyWallSt.org for more information. WE NEED WATER.

Info from http://occupywallst.org/


The UPS Store
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038
Money orders only please, cannot cash checks yet. Non-perishable goods only. We can accept packages of any size. We're currently low on food and water.

6.    Find out if there will be an #Occupation event in your neighborhood and participate and contribute there if you can't come to NYC.

7.   Be a better person to your brothers and sisters around you.

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You can follow me on the series of tubes they call Twitter @JesseLaGreca

Originally posted to MinistryOfTruth on Tue Oct 18, 2011 at 07:11 AM PDT.

Also republished by Class Warfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS the Working Class Occupy movement. and Team DFH.

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I just love this guy! And he is soooo right!

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