Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Doggy Dilemma

Time to try out the new Word plugin. If this works, I’m in love with Blogger even more than before.
Our dog, Cosmo, has been reacting badly to the medication we’ve been giving him to help with his neck problem. Pregnezone is not a friendly med. Today, he couldn’t wait for us to get home to let him out. Instead, he had to mess his crate and soil his bedding. It’s not his fault, of course. The poor little guy probably tried like hell to hold it in. Janet got home first and found him cowering in his crate. By the time I got home, he was glad to see me, but I could tell something was wrong. He seemed rumpled and shy. When I heard what had happened, I said that was it, enough! No more pregnezone. We’re waiting for our veterinarian to call back. We know that his malady is most likely going to be treated by a chiropractor. If that’s the case, then that’s what we’ll do for him. We want our dog back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dog was prescribed pregnezone for severe skin problems which were allegedly caused by allergies. I was told to give my dog this drug for one month on a decreasing frequency, along with an antibiotic.

The results were good regarding the skin condition, after many months of battling this sever itching, my dog almost immediately stopped 'scooting' and scratching, and the skin had a chance to heal.

The sad news is, after 3 1/2 weeks of treatment, my dog began vomiting frequently, and after I stopped the medication, continued to drink quantities of water, pee almost constantly, and vomit. I took him to the vet after a week of no medicine when the symptoms did not subside, and was told after blood tests that my dog was now diabetic, and without hospitilization would probably die. We consented, and now have to give 2 insulin shots per day, plus follow a new diet produced by Science Diet which consists of mostly corn, chicken by products, and soybean oil with added nutrients.

I was told that my dog must have been borderline diabetic, and the pregnizone pushed him over the edge. My vet explained, if given this same senario again, would I prescribe pregnizone for your dog? You bet I would! There was no alternative!

I would like to see the vet begin testing for borderline diabedis in dogs before prescribing this damaging drug. Apparently this same problem has occured before, according to my vet. In fact, while I was waiting in the exam room for him to come in, I could hear his voice in the next room telling an elderly lady exactly the same thing as he prescribed pregnezone to her dog for allergy skin problem!! He told her, dog will pee and drink lots of water..." but I did NOT hear him say, "your dog may also become a flaming diabetic which will require you to treat him for the rest of his life with injections and expensive processed foods".

My vet told me some time back, "Your visits have gone up in price because we now offer 'cutting edge care'".

I opt for the old days, when the vet was affordable, and was able to treat my pets with competance. He always seemed to do the job well and I wasn't terrified to get the bill!


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