Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hastert Should Be Ashamed

My Way News - House GOP Officials Likely to Be at Odds:
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Republican campaign chairman and the speaker of the House are likely to be at odds this week as they testify about the handling of ex-Rep. Mark Foley's come-ons to male pages.

Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., who entered the House ethics committee chambers Tuesday morning, has said he warned Speaker Dennis Hastert about Foley last spring.

Hastert, expected to be questioned sometime later this week, has said he doesn't remember that conversation.
Yeah, I wouldn't "remember" it either if I were he. Then again, I wouldn't have stood idle if I'd known about Foley. Hastert must go! He should be brought up on charges for aiding and abetting a child molester, for pity sakes!

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