Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cost Of War About To Go Up

National Guard General Sounds Warning, Says Majority Of Army Nat'l Guard Brigades Are Not Combat-Ready - CBS News:
(CBS/AP) More than two-thirds of the Army National Guard's 34 brigades are not combat ready due largely to vast equipment shortfalls that will take as much as $21 billion to correct, the top National Guard general said Tuesday.

The comments by Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum came in the wake of disclosures by Army officials, analysts and members of Congress that two-thirds of the active Army's brigades are not rated ready for war.

The problem, they say, is driven by budget constraints that won't allow the military to complete the personnel training and equipment repairs and replacement that must be done when units return home after deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Looks like that deficit thingy is actually worse than the administration wants us to think. Much worse. Much, much worse.

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