Thursday, December 01, 2005

Alito File Shows Strategy to Curb Abortion Ruling - New York Times

Alito File Shows Strategy to Curb Abortion Ruling - New York Times:
(H)e recommended advancing the administration's ultimate case against Roe by defending state regulations requiring doctors to provide women seeking abortions with information about fetal development, the risks and 'unforeseeable detrimental effects' of the procedure and the availability of adoption services or paternal child support.

Although the information might cause 'emotional distress, anxiety, guilt and in some cases physical pain' to the women, Judge Alito wrote, such results 'are part of the responsibility of moral choice,' comparable to the feelings of 'a legislator voting on abortion legislation, a judge or juror pronouncing a sentence of death or imprisonment,' or 'a military officer commanding a mission he knows will cost lives.'
Sorry, Ladies, as far as Alito is concerned, your just collateral damage statistics in the war for uterine supremacy. Think that's why he was selected?

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